The James Hillier Foundation


Copies of many of the following are available from the Foundation for a nominal fee. E-mail for more information.

    1. A report on the development of the electron supermicroscope at Toronto.
      Burton, E.F., Hillier, J. and Prebus, A.
      Phys. Rev. 56, 1171-1172 – 1939


    1. The effect of chromatic error on electron microscope images.
      Hillier, J.
      Can. J. Res. A, 17, 64-69 -1939


    1. The construction of a magnetic electron microscope of high resolving power.
      Prebus, A. and Hillier, J.
      Can. J. Res. A, 17, 49-63 – 1939


    1. The contribution of the electron microscope to medicine. I. The electron microscope described.
      Burton, E.F., Hillier, J. and Prebus, A.
      Can. Med. Assoc. J. 42, 116-119 – 1940


    1. Fresnel diffraction of electrons as a contour phenomenon in electron microscope images.
      Hillier, J.
      Phys. Rev. 58, 842 – 1940


    1. The electron optics of the electron microscope.
      Hillier, J.
      J. Bact. 41, 259 (Proc.) -1941


    1. Recent developments in the electron microscope.
      Hillier, J. and Vance, A.W.
      Proc. I.R.E. 29, 167-176 – 1941


    1. The electron microscope.
      Hillier, J. and Rhea, H.R.
      Safe Practice Bulletin #87 – 1941


    1. A discussion of the fundamental limit of performance of an electron microscope.
      Hillier, J.
      Phys. Rev. 60,743-745 – 1941


    1. The electron microscope in the determination of particle size characteristics.
      Hillier, J.
      ASTM Symposium Volume, 1941


    1. A preliminary report on the development of a 300-kilovolt magnetic electron microscope.
      Zworykin, V.K., Hillier, J. and Vance, A. W.
      J. Appl. Phys. 12, 738-742 – 1941


    1. An electron microscope for practical laboratory service.
      Zworykin, V.K., Hillier, J. and Vance, A.W.
      Trans. Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs. 60, 157 -1941


    1. The photographic action of electrons in the range between 40 and 212 kilovolts.
      Baker, R.F., Ramberg, E.G. and Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 13, 450-456 -1942


    1. A diffraction adapter for the electron microscope.
      Hillier, J., Baker, R.F. and Zworykin, V.K.
      J. Appl. Phys. 13, 571-577 – 1942


    1. The observation of crystalline reflections in electron microscope images.
      Hillier, J. and Baker, R.F.
      Phys. Rev. 61, 722-723 – 1942


    1. Description of stereo holder.
      Hillier, J., et al.
      Presented AAAS Meeting – 1942


    1. The RCA electron microscope.
      Hillier, J.
      Science Education ’26, No, 3-4, 1-6 – 1942


    1. A scanning electron microscope.
      Zworykin, V.K., Hillier, J, and Snyder, R.L.
      ASTM Bull. (Aug.) 15-23 – 1942


    1. On microanalysis by electrons.
      Hillier, J.
      Phys., Rev. 64, 318-319 – 1943


    1. A compact, high resolving-power electron microscope.
      Zworykin, V.Y. and Hillier, J.
      Appl. Phys. 14, 658-673 – 1943


    1. The electron microanalyser.
      Hillier, J.
      Proc. E.M.S.A. – New York Meeting – 1944


    1. Electron microscopy.
      Hillier, J. and Zworykin, V.K.
      Elec. News and Engin. Can. (Sept. Oct. Nov.) – 1944


    1. Microanalysis by means of electrons.
      Hillier, J. and Baker, R.F.
      J. Appl. Phys. 15, 663-675 – 1944


    1. Electron microscopy.
      Hillier, J.
      Can. Chem. and Proc. Ind., Nov. – 1944


    1. Miscellaneous research on electron microscope parameters.
      Hillier, J. and Baker, R.F.
      Proc. E.M.S.A.- New York Meeting – 1944


    1. A dynamic method of correcting spherical aberrations in electron lenses.
      Zworykin, V.K., Ramberg, E.G. and Hillier, J.
      Proc, E.M.S.A. – New York Meeting – 1944


    1. Electron microscope.
      Zworykin, V.K., Hillier, J. and Vance, A.W.
      In Medical Physics, 387-396, Year Book Publishers, Chicago, Otto Glas, Ed. – 1944


    1. Electronic microscopy.
      Zworykin, V.K. and Hillier, J.
      Scientific Monthly 59, 165-179 – 1944


    1. On the artifacts produced by the use of distilled water as an intermediate medium in
      the mounting of bacterial specimens for the electron microscope.
      Hillier, J. and Kurkjian, A.
      J.Appl. Phys. 16, 264 – 1945


    1. A discussion of the illuminating system of the electron microscope.
      Hillier, J. and Baker, R.F.
      J. Appl. Phys. 16, 469-483 – 1945


    1. Further developments on the microanalyser.
      Hillier, J. and Baker, R.F.
      J. Appl. Phys. 16, 266- EMSA Abe. 23 – 1945


    1. The electron microscope.
      Hillier, J.
      Proc. Sci. See., Toil. Good. Assco., Dec. – 1945


    1. Electrons make patterns.
      Hillier, J.
      Radio Age, October, 1945


    1. Electron microscopy
      Zworykin, V.K. and Hillier, J.
      J. Am. Pharm. Assoc. 6, 384-388 – 1945


    1. Electron optics and the electron microscope.
      Zworykin, V.K., Morton, G.A., Ramberg, E.G., Hillier, J. and Vance, A.
      J. Wiley and Sons, N.Y. – 1945


    1. The mounting of bacteria for electron microscope examination.
      Hillier, J. and Baker, R.F.
      J. Bact. 52, 411-416 – 1946


    1. The story of the electron microscope.
      Hillier, I.
      The Scientist Speaks – Ed. Warren Weaver (A radio talk) – 1946


    1. Further improvement in the resolving power of the electron microscope.
      Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 17, 307-309 – 1946


    1. Electron microscopy.
      Hillier, J.
      Drug, Vitamin and Allied Industries, July, 10-11 – 1946


    1. A study of distortion in electron microscope projection lenses.
      Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 17, 411-419 – 1946


    1. Electron microscopy advances.
      Hillier, J.
      Blueprints 4 No. 7, 3 – 1946 (short squib)


    1. Electron microscopy.
      Hillier, J.
      Am. Cer. Soc. Bull. 25, 438-448 – 1946


    1. Specimen mounting techniques for inorganic chemicals.
      Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 17, 66, E.M.S.A. Abst. 8 – 1946


    1. A study of distortion in electron microscope projection lenses
      Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 17, 66, E.M.S.A. Abst. 5 – 1946


    1. On the improvement of resolution in electron diffraction cameras.
      Hillier, J. and Baker, R.F.
      J. Appl. Phys. 17, 12-22 – 1946


    1. Contour fringes and asymmetries of electron microscope objectives
      Hillier, J. and Ramberg, E.G.
      Phys. Rev. – A.P.S. Meeting June – 1946


    1. Report of the Electron Microscope Society of America’s committee on resolution
      Kinsinger, W.G., Hillier, J., Picard, R.G. and Zieler, H.W.
      J. Appl. Phys. 17, 989-996 – 1946


    1. Some practical aspects of electron microscopy.
      Zworykin, V.K. and Hillier, J.
      Colloid Chemistry V1 – Ed. J. Alexander, Reinhold, N.Y. 118-158 – 1946


    1. Single crystal electron diffraction by micro-crystalline materials.
      Davidson, N. and Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 18, 499-511 – 1947


    1. Present status and future possibilities of the electron microscope.
      Hillier, J.
      RCA Rev. 8, 29-42 – 1947


    1. The electron microscope.
      Hillier, J.
      Industrial Radiography 6, 25-31 – 1947


    1. The mounting of bacteria for electron microscope examination.
      Hillier, J. and Baker, R.F.
      J. Appl. Phys. 18, 271 E.M.S.A. Abst. 16 – 1947


    1. The magnetic electron microscope objective; contour phenomena and the attainment of high resolving power.
      Hillier, J. and Ramberg, E.G.
      J. Appl. Phys. 18, 48-71 – 1947


    1. Further studies on the magnetic electron microscope objective.
      Hillier, J. and Ramberg, E.G.
      J. Appl. Phys., 18, 273, E.M.S.A. Abst. 27 – 1947


    1. A study with the high voltage electron microscope of the endospore and life cycle of Bacillus mycoides.
      Knaysi, G., Baker, R.F. and Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 18, 271, E.M.S.A. Abst. 17 – 1947


    1. A study with the high-voltage electron microscope of the endospore and life cycle of Bacillus mycoides.
      Knaysi, G., Baker, R.F. and Hillier, J.
      J. Bact. 53, 525-537 – 1947


    1. Electron microscopy of colloidal systems.
      Turkerich, J. and Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 18, 270, E.M.S.A. Abst. 6 – 1947


    1. Electron microscope. (Also Electron microscopy)
      Hillier, J.
      Encyclopaedia Britannica – 1948 – Copyright


    1. Cleaning of the Model EMU electron microscope.
      Hillier, J.
      Distributed as mimeographed booklet by ROA – 1948


    1. New worlds for sight.
      Hillier, J.
      Physics Today 1, 18-25, No. 5 – 1948


    1. The electron microscope. by D. Gabor
      Hillier, J.
      In Physics Today, November, p. 25. (Book Review) – 1948


    1. Investigation of specimen contamination in the electron microscope.
      Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 19, 226-230 -1948


    1. On the possibility of demonstrating an intermediate level of structure in normal bacteria.
      Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 19, 1188 (Abst.) E.M.S.A. 14 – 1948


    1. A study of the simultaneous electron and molecular bombardment of electron microscope specimens.
      Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 19, 1191 E.M.S.A. Abst. 35 – 1948


    1. On the adjustment and manipulation of the electron microscope.
      Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 19, 1191, E.M.S.A. Abst. 32 – 1948


    1. Observations with improved electron microscopic techniques on the internal structure of Escherichia coli cells and the generation of coliphage.
      Hillier, J., Mudd, S. and Smith, A.G.
      Sci. Proc. Am. Assoc. Path. and Bact., Am. J. Path. 24, 715-716 – 1948


    1. New preparation techniques for the electron microscopy of bacteria.
      Hillier, J., Knaysi, G. and Baker, R.F.
      J. Bact. 56, 569-576 – 1948


    1. Some new bacteriological techniques in electron microscopy.
      Hillier, J., Knaysi, G. and Baker, R.F.
      J. Appl. Phys. 19, 124, E.M.S.A. Abst. 41 – 1948


    1. On the visual focusing of an electron microscope.
      Hillier, J. and Ellis, S.G.
      J. Appl Phys. 12, 121, E.M.S.A. Abst. 26 – 1948


    1. The illuminating system of the electron microscope.
      Hillier, J. and Ellis, S.G.
      J. Appl. Phys. 19, 1190, E.M.S.A. Abst. 30 – 1948


    1. Chromatic aberration and resolving power in electron microscopy.
      Ramberg, E.G. and Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 19, 678-682 – 1948


    1. The effect of chromatic error on the resolving power of dark field electron micrographs.
      Ramberg, E.G. and Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 19, 121, E.M.S.A. Abst. 23 – 1948


    1. Electron micrograph studies of two strains of pleuropneumonia-like (L) organisms of human derivation.
      Smith, W.E., Hillier, J. and Mudd, S.
      J. Bact. 56, 589-601 – 1948


    1. L-type variation and bacterial reproduction by large bodies as seen in electron micrographic studies of Bactereroides funduliformis.
      Smith, W.E., Mudd, S. and Hillier, J.
      J. Bact. 56, 6o3-618 – 1948


    1. Electron microscopy and microanalysis – New methods in chemistry.
      Hillier, J.
      Recent advances in analytical chemistry. Eds. R.E. Burk and O. Grummitt. Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York 103-156 – 1949


    1. New worlds for study.
      Hillier, J.
      Sci. Monthly 49, 161-168 – 1949


    1. Some remarks on the image contrast in electron microscopy and the two-component objective.
      Hillier, J.
      J. Bact. 57, 313-317 – 1949


    1. The illuminating system of the electron microscope.
      Hillier, J. and Ellis, S.G.
      J. Appl. Phys. 20, 700-706 – 1949


    1. Electron microscope.
      Hillier, J.
      Collier’s encyclopaedia – 1949


    1. Internal structure and nuclei in cells of Escherichia coli, as shown by improved electron microscopic techniques.
      Hillier, J., Mudd, S. and Smith, A.G.
      J. Bact. 57, 319-338 – 1949


    1. Preliminary observations on the germination of the endospore in Bacilius megatherium and the structure of the spore coat.
      Knaysi, G. and Hillier, J.
      J. Bact. 57, 23-29 – 1949


    1. Electron microscopy of colloidal systems.
      Turkevich, J. and Hillier, J.
      Anal. Chem. 21, 471-485 – 1949


    1. Refined sectioning techniques for the electron microscope.
      Hillier, J.
      Proc. of Int. Cong. of Electron Microscopy – Paris – 1950


    1. Serial sections for electron micrography.
      Gettner, M. and. Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 21, 68 – 1950


    1. Present status of electron microscopy.
      Hillier, J.
      Lecture abst. submitted to Washington Philosophical Society.- 1950


    1. A removable intermediate lens for extending the magnification range of an electron microscope.
      Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 21, 785-790 – 1950


    1. Improved ultra-thin sectioning of tissue for the electron microscope.
      Hillier, J. and Gettner, M.E.
      J. Appl. Phys. 21, 889-895 – 1950


    1. Some refinements of rotary microtome modified for ultra-thin sectioning.
      Hillier, J. and Gettner, M.
      J. Appl. Phys. 21, 67, E.M.S.A. Abst. 13 – 1950


    1. On the testing of electron microscope objectives.
      Hillier, J. and Froula, H.
      J. Appl. Phys. 21, 66, E.M.S.A. Abst.4 – 1950


    1. Electron microscopy.
      Hillier, J.
      Biophysical research methods, 381-416. Ed. F.M. Uber, Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York – 1950


    1. A removable intermediate lens for the RCA model EMU.
      Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 21, 71, E.M.S.A. Abst. 45 – 1950


    1. The electron microscope in industrial research.
      Hillier, J.
      Second symposium on varnish and paint chemistry – N.Y. University, pp. 1-15 – 1950


    1. Electron microscopy of microorganisms and viruses.
      Hillier, J.
      Ann. REv. Microbiol. 4, 1-20 – 1950


    1. New Worlds for study.
      Hillier, J.
      Centennial AAAS Washington 289-296 – 1950


    1. The “fixation” of electron microscopic specimens by the electron bean.
      Hillier, J., Mudd, S., Smith, A.G. and Beutner, E.H.
      J. Bact. 60, 641-654 – 1950


    1. Sectioning of tissue for electron microscopy.
      Hillier, J. and Gettner, M.E.
      Science 112, 520-523 – 1950


    1. Some theoretical and practical considerations of image contrast in the electron microscope.
      Hillier, J. and Ramberg, E.G.
      Proc. Conf. El.Mic., Delft, 1949, 42-48 – 1950


    1. Increase of contrast in electron microscopy.
      Hillier, J. and Ramberg, E.G.
      Z. angew. Phys., 2, 273-278 – 1950


    1. The cytology of an avian strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis studied with the electron and light microscopes.
      Knaysi, G., Hillier, J. and Fabricant, C.
      J. Bact. 60, 635-639 – 1950


    1. Electron and light microscopic studies of bacterial nuclei. III The nuclear sites in metal shadowed cells of Escherichia coli.
      Mudd, S., Smith, A.G., Hillier, J. and Beutner, E.H.
      J. Bact. 60, 635-639 – 1950


    1. Electron microscopy and small angle x-ray scattering.
      Turkevich, J., Hubbell, H.W. and Hillier, J.
      Proc. Far. Soc.


    1. Cultural properties and pathogentcity of certain microorganisms obtained from various proliferative and neoplastic diseases.
      Wuerthele-Caspe, V,, Alexander-Jackson, E.,Anderson, J.A., Hillier, J., Allen, R.M. and Smith, L.W.
      Am. J. of the Medical Sciences 220, 638-648 – 1950


    1. Microscopy: electron
      Zworykin, V.K. and Hillier, J.
      In Medical Physics, 2, The Year Book Publishers, Chicago, Ill. – 1950. Ed. 0tto Glasser


    1. Polymorphism in bacteriophages for Erwinia carotovora.
      Chapman, G., Hillier, J. and Johnson, F.
      J. Bact. – 1951


    1. On the “fixation” of electron microscope specimens by electron bombardment.
      Hillier, J., Mudd, Stuart and Smith, A.G.
      J. Appl. Phys. 22, ll4 – 1951 (Abst.)


    1. An experimental study of image contrast at 50, 100 and 150 kV.
      Hillier, J. and Ellis, S.G.
      J. Appl. Phys. 22, 110-111 – 1951 (abstract)


    1. Further developments in the electron microscopic study of tissue sections.
      Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 22, 115 – 1951. (abstract)


    1. On the sharpening of microtome knives for ultra-thin sectioning.
      Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 22, 115 – 1951 (abstract)


    1. Preliminary results from a quantitative appraisal of the effect of the accelerating potential on image quality.
      Hillier, J. and Ellis, S.G.
      Proc. de Congres International de Microscopie Electronique, Paris – 1951


    1. On the sharpening of microtome knives for ultra-thin sectioning.
      Hillier, J.
      Rev. Sci. Inst. – 1951


    1. An objective for use in the electron microscopy of ultra-thin sections.
      Hillier, J.
      J. Appl. Phys. 22 – 1951


  1. Ultra-thin sections for the electron microscopy of tissues.
    Hillier, J.
    Proc. N.Y. Academy of Sciences – 1951